What is Moodboard (Digital pinboard) = ID App by Amo
Suppose you are going on vacation and you created pinboard where you will pin (photos, videos, text)
Functional (CRUD)
- 1. Create. User can create the pinboard
- 2. Read. User can see the created pinboard
- 3. Update. User can add/delete/update text/video/image on pinboard
- 4. Delete. User can delete pinboard
- 1. Reliable. Once board created, it should be not autoremove image,text,video on board
- 2. Latency: No latency in viewing/editing the Moodboard
- 3. Secure: Board should be visible to friends only
BW requirements not huge, User can create video(upload), then photo(upload) etc.
System APIs (CRUD)
REST API Versioning(v1,v2)
1. Create |
2. Read |
3. Update |
4. Delete |
DB Schema
- Graph DB
user Table
| userid(pk) | username | created_at(timestamp) | enabled |
password Table
| user_id(pk) | password_hash | created_at | expiry_at |
- Photos, Videos will be stored in Object Store
- Friends list, comments would be stored in Graph DB.
Photo Table
| photo_id(pk) | photo_url(url on object store) | user_id (fk) | comment_id |
MoodBoard Table
| moodboard_id(pk) | user_id(fk) |
1. Reading moodboard
2. Updating moodboard (ie upload photo)
1 user | 1 Million users | ||||||
@startuml actor User as u box "Data Center" #Cyan participant LoadBalancer as lb participant AppServer as as queue Kafka as kafka #LightPink participant "Photo\nProcessor" as pa participant Diesel as diesel database DB as db end box database "ObjectStore\nAmazon S3" as os #Brown u -> lb: HTTP GET moodboard lb -> as: HTTP GET moodboard as -> diesel: "SELECT * FROM" diesel -> db: "SELECT * FROM" db -> as: content note over as Create HTTP Response Body(moodboard) end note as -> u: moodboard note over u moodboards shown to user end note note over u User selects moodboard2 and drop photo on coordinates (x,y) end note u -> lb: HTTP PUT(Update)\nuserId=1, moodboardId=2\n content=image, location=(x,y)\nphoto url u -> lb: photo lb -> as: HTTP PUT(Update)\nuserId=1, moodboardId=2\n content=image, location=(x,y)\nphoto url lb -> as: photo note over as validate photo: - acceptable format(jpg,png) - acceptable size - not virus end note as -> kafka: photo kafka -> pa: photo note over pa resize, compress end note pa -> os: photo pa -> db: Metadata of photo note over db URLs/ Thumbnails end note as -> diesel: INSERT INTO\nmoodboard table diesel -> db: INSERT INTO\nmoodboard table as -> u: ACK, Update success @enduml |